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Partition / Positif Sonore / 2024

Photographic and musical installation in Médiathèque du Klemlin Bicêtre, France

Co-operated work

​Photography - Ayako SAKURAGI

c-print, pinholed image, directly captured on photo paper, 50 x 70 cm

Music - Vincent RIOUX

Sound device plywood, PLA, speaker, nano-computer, SuperCollider, Lisp

The aim of Partition is to activate the memory of space-time through photography and sound.

The project grew out of artistic exchanges and conversations about physics and philosophy that have been between Ayako SAKURAGI (photographer) and Vincent RIOUX (musician) since 2021.

The proposed visual image shows the accumulation (during a long exposure) of traces of light in a Parisian location, recording the waves of the visible electromagnetic spectrum. This approach raises an intriguing question: if space-time vibrates what might be the sound (the waves of the audible mechanical spectrum) that accompanies it?

This co-operative work superimposes visual and auditory elements. The photography is, for Ayako SAKURAGI, a tool of perceiving the world from a non-human perspective. She uses the pinhole camera technique, choosing the longest possible exposure times to superimpose different temporal moments

on a single image, condensing space and time onto a plane. She seeks to describe the world with as little human subjectivity as possible, by allowing her photographic device to capture space-time without direct human intervention. To accompany this image, Vincent Rioux draws freely on the lines of light in the photograph to write an open score, constantly renewed (using a computer program), made up of lines of noisy oscillations.


In this way, the artists attempt to reveal the sound and face of a place, the music of the universe, by subtracting the noise, creating a full void. This Partition seeks to merge the visual and auditory dimensions of the memory of space-time, offering another experience of immersion and multidimensionality.

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installation view - Médiathèque Klemlin-Bicêtre

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